
WARNING: not for the faint-hearted

i don't always make the smartest decisions anyway but especially don't when i'm desperate for some "relief." after going to the market, i decided to look for poopy medicine. since i could not find ex-lax on the local shelf, i looked into chinese non-FDA regulated medicine. i walked into a medicine store, asked the lady what she has for constipation and she gave me this. since i couldn't read chinese, i took her word for it, and bought it. but before i took it, i painstakingly looked up every word on the box and concluded yes, it was for regularity. well i took it and an hour later, let's just say...it worked..sorta. but i can't be sure b/c i doubled up on stool softener that day, so which was it? i have a feeling it was the herbal remedy. the english instructions on the box was so bad it just as well could have been greek. sarah had never heard of it either, as i painstakingly texted her in chinese to ask. well i ate at the Hunan restaurant, which since it's local, could have been questionable and the water smelled funny. i had major stomach pains and nausea and gas last night. woke up this AM still in pain and had diarrhea. goal somewhat accomplished but i remain uncomfortable and wondering which it was: chinese med, stool softener or hunan food? i think i am going to experiment this weekend with just the chinese medicine. or maybe not. the side effects of taking the medicine may be worse than the side effects of not taking it.

sorry i had to share. i've become quite obsessed with my BM. :P

1 comment:

  1. Lusa! How are you? I am reading your blog....in case you are wondering. How are things with Dave? How is your new job now that you have been in China for a month? I miss our hikes. Haven't gone hiking since. Bryan and I just came back from Hawaii. It was fun but I got sun burned pretty bad.
