i decided to be brave and head over to Carrefour, a French-originated hypermarket. i was really hoping it was like a chinese walmart where i could get some hangers and other stuff for cheap. it was a bad idea. i had to switch subway lines, and the wait for line 4 was at least 10 minutes, which is unprecedented. that line has always been really slow. i think it's b/c it's a circular track. so i got to the ZhongShan subway stop, where carrefour was. i asked 2 people where it was and they begrudgingly pointed in some general direction. i ended up at Cloud 9 mall, where carrefour was on B1 and B2 levels. i was on level 2 and asked customer service where carrefour was. she said just take the escalator one level down. well that was not entirely correct b/c that would leave me at level 1. after looking at the tons of signs, i realized i needed to go 1 more level down. i couldn't find the escalators going down so i opted for the elevator. not only did the elevator not take me to B1 and B2, where carrefour was, i ended up twice on B3, the steamy stinky parking garage and was stuck in the awfully hot and crowded elevator. i did not understand why the elevator refused to go to B1 and B2! so i tried to take stairs but the doors were bolted shut where it should have opened up to carrefour. i went back up and asked a security guard where the damn store was. it is usually at this point that i regret even trying to find a place. he pointed me in a general direction, i finally found the escalators going down and when i saw carrefour and realized it was not like walmart but rather, was a large, messy, crowded, and not all that cheap chinese supermarket (sorta like 99 ranch market back home), i was soooo disappointed and remorseful i ever left my house. i purchased some overpriced pelligrino (cus i am so craving bubbly water), choc chip cookies, skim milk, some red bean drink, coconut yogurt drink and got in a really long line behind this old man who was trying to get in 2 lines to see which one was shorter and annoyed the crap out of me. it's like pick a goddamn line mister! i lugged the really heavy drinks around in my backpack and headed on home. this was all in at least 90something degree heat. all the makings of annoyance were mixed in today and i came home smelly and grumpy. but now i'm sipping on my box of red bean soy bean drink and sitting in a cool room and it's all ok now.
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