
don't know what it means but it sure sounds good..

想不盡的你 - Alex To


so i saw this pretty haunting chinese movie last nite while i lounged around flipping thru channels i could not understand. there are some pretty good movies on tv. the story was about this wife who went crazy after losing her baby after stepping in front of a car b/c she saw her husband making out with another woman in his car and stepped out to get a closer look. so she plots revenge where the combo of the food she made for him and that of his other mistress were a lethal combo that affected his kidneys, vitality, heart and he slowly became a vegetable. but it's kinda like that movie Misery where he can't escape b/c the door is keypad locked from the inside, the phone has been disconnected, his cell phone battery has been removed and the windows are shatterproof so he can't jump even if he wanted to. he tries to escape one day while she is returning home, and waited til right when the door opened, but she has a taser that she uses to keep him subdued. she finds out the mistress is pregnant with his child so she uses him to trick the mistress back to the house where she plans on keeping the child b/c that is she and her husband's "only hope." so now both the mistress and her husband are prisoners. the mistress' friend comes by and knocks on the door while the wife is away but the mistress has been locked in the bathroom and the husband gagged so they can't even make noise. the wife lets her husband's company know that they are moving to australia for a respite. they give her his belongings which includes a safe deposit box with a code on it. she brings it home and guesses the secret code is their anniversary. inside the box, she finds tons of pictures of him and other women. apparently he is a major womanizer. so that night, after dinner, he does the only thing that can end everything. he OD's on pills, fills up the tub and drowns himself. it's creepy when she finds him then puts him back in his wheelchair after dressing him up in a suit, then spoon feeds him like she did everyday. the porridge then falls out of his mouth and drips down his chin. she wheels him out to the balcony, where there is this gorgeous view of the city and she stands there and watches the sunrise with him. next thing you know, the cops come. she turns around and gives the same creepy smile she did the entire movie, which was disturbingly reassuring. the ending theme song is Qing Ren, which i loved, except i can't find the same version that was played. the ending shot is the mistress pushing a carriage. i wish i knew what the movie was called so i could see the beginning, but that's one of the disadvantages of being illiterate (in chinese at least.) twisted movie but i loved the feel of it. and i can always appreciate a jaded love story.

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