
M50 cont'd

people submit their fotos and somehow they are featured on this tv screen
posters of art exhibits
corridor of art studios
entrance to another art studio
creepy but cool warehouse. u could probably torture people in there w/o anyone ever finding out.

creepy little girl..
more M50 fotos. i really dig the graffiti. i happened to read something about graffiti vs. street art. did u know there's a difference between graffiti and street art? apparently, street art is more premeditated and graffiti more opportunist. read on to learn more. either way, both are pretty darn kewl.

I Heart Street Art: OK guys, what's the difference between graffiti and street art?

Steve Rotman:
Graffiti is a subculture. It has a certain tradition and history. That has to do with getting up and writing your name. "Street art" is a bigger term. There's a lot of gray area. Street Art includes things like stickers and stencils . Usually the imagery you see in street art is something people can relate to pretty easily without having to learn much about it. Whereas with graffiti, it's often very confusing if you're an outsider. You don't know quite what you're looking at, it may look a little frightening or unfamiliar. It takes a while to learn what's happening. With street art you have an immediate relationship with it.

Chris Brennan:
Graffiti is something that's done on the spot, with the traditional tools. Street art is generally premeditated. It's done in the studio and brought to the street, or it's done with the intention of being installed, and it's not so much concerned with the fame and the game
that goes along with graffiti.

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