

Single in Shanghai (SIS).

It's a different experience being single in Shanghai. I think in general you are more open to experiences because essentially, it's all about you now. Well it would be the same wherever I lived, I suppose. There is something quite liberating about doing whatever the hell I please and not having to worry about how it will affect my partner. Of course, I am still accountable to myself for whatever consequences ensue, but I've lived with these consequences for the last 32 years and I'm still alive. They have made me who I am.

I have been having a ball, hanging out with different people, making new friends, living in different areas of Shanghai. I have eaten bullfrogs, which taste surprisingly like codfish. I have joined a drinking group with a running problem and then pissed in a gutter on the freeway at the "pitstop." If I did not have to work and find an apartment right now, I would have embarked on a random 10 day journey to Vietnam with 2 people I hardly know. In a couple weeks I will be presenting for the first time internationally in front of Chinese professionals who want to improve the state of mental health services in China.

I will be able to see Shanghai through open and different eyes. Not to say I could not have the same experience if I were in a relationship. Plenty of couples have awesome experiences. But it will be different now for me b/c the spontaneity level is about to go way up, which always makes for more stories to tell. For me, that's what it's all about in life. If it makes for a good story, it's worth doing.

I'm about to fall in love with Shanghai in a whole new way. And I hope in the meanwhile, I fall in love with everyone I meet and the joys of being me, as a single, independent expat woman braving this Chinese NYC from circumstances unforeseen.



hey now, you're a rock star!
45 rmb a person for all you can eat food (horrible tasting, i might add) and 3 full sing-your-heart-out hours at PartyWorld was well worth it! it was my first KTV experience in shanghai. rock on! between a swede singing chinese and racist swede english songs, an ABC mumbling through chinese songs, a chinese singing english, and an american rapping eminem, not to mention the Queen duet by the swede and american, it was quite a crowd!

homemade meals.

since we hardly cook in, i just had to commemorate our first 2 dave-made meals w photos! even without a broiler, i would say the food is still pretty damn good.

big trouble in little china.

NINJA! i cannot resist these SDG knockoffs, even if they are knockoffs! bargained her for 7rmb.
i have a thing for all things BIG and small.
IKEA clocks
Shanghai IKEA-what a nightmare on weekends.
on my stroll to IKEA
Cao Xi Park
Cao Xi park entrance
Cao Xi park
Dog grooming outdoors. such a well behaved doggie!
Cao Xi Park

on Saturday, my language partner wanted to shop at IKEA. although i had no interest, b/c i've already been to a million IKEAs in the states and also knew how crowded it would be on a weekend in SH (shopping areas in SH on weekends are always a nightmare), i agreed to go with her. she said also there were shops nearby. so i took the subway and exiteftd and with my ZERO sense of direction, called sarah the moment i got off the subway. North or South? North. so i proceeded to stroll up Cao Xi Rd. i walked past Cao Xi Park, peered in through the gate, snapped some shots, saw a lady grooming her dog right in the middle of the sidewalk and marvelled at how the weather was cooling down--Finally. good god, it's September! as i was crossing the street, a man who looked like a business man asked me where IKEA was, so i pointed him in the general direction. after we both crossed the street, he asked me if i was also going to IKEA. i said yes. then he started asking if i lived around here, the purpose of my visit to IKEA, general conversation stuff. then he started trying to get me to go join something or buy something at the company he works for. it sounded like some beauty products company. his company was having some expo down the street. i usually nod when i have no idea what people are saying, and i did a lot of that. i also smile too. he gave me his card and a flyer, neither of which i could read and we went our separate ways. then i saw sarah and we entered IKEA. ugh..what a nightmare! crowded, hot, swarming with screaming adults and children. IKEA was clearly a lounge hang out spot, where people and children were sitting, sleeping, chatting on their model sofas and chairs, with no real intention of buying anything. we looked for an item sarah wanted but b/c of the wrong color, she didn't buy it, but i ended up buying it! it was a laptop support item, where u can sit on sofas and place the laptop on the support which is on ur lap. pretty spiffy. after going all the way to the top, then back to the bottom, we got in a ridiculously long line, purchased my stuff, then left. we crossed the street and entered a building full of clothing and make up boutique stores. i bargained and got a new knockoff SDG, a water bottle, and conditioner. sarah got a new shirt. i liked some of the styles of clothing there, but they really did not have my size. and some of it was pricy. there were 2 floors of all those shops. i guess cross stitches are real in cuz there were tons of shops where they sold completed cross stitches for 80 rmb or the raw materials for 5 rmb. see, if i could stitch worth a damn, i would totally get to stitching on some of their cool oriental designs, but i can't, so i walked on by. we spent a few hours there, then went home.

so when i was almost home, this man approached me. he looked also like some sort of business man, with a laptop bag, well dressed, clean shaven. he told me he was supposed to meet a friend up the street but never made it. he was from Nanjing and needed money to take a bus or something there. he apparently did not have his wallet. i thought, well that was plausible. then this lady, his accomplice, comes up and adds to their sob story. someone stole their wallet, if i could just give them money, they will pay me back tomorrow so long as i leave them my cell number and address. she asked where i was from. i said i was a tourist from the US so i do not have an address. i proceeded to take my wallet out to give them some money. i handed him a 20 then his entire face changed into a mean mean person. he got angry and said we need 80 bucks. i'm like i don't have that much cash, u should ask someone else. he said, it's not that much money! she chimed in, it costs more than that to get back to Nanjing, surely you understand. i said, i don't have that much money b/c i need my money too. he gave me a dirty look, grunted loudly, DID NOT say thank you, and they both walked away. he pocketed the money quickly too. i of course figured out it was a scam probably after the man demanded 80 bucks. i know, i shoulda known right when he started w his sob story, or when anyone asks for money, but i'm a softie. at that point, i figured it was too late to ask for the $$ back. so anyways, here is yet another chinese dirty scam trick. i asked dave to put it on the shanghai expat forum so others can beware. silly me, i know most would not have fallen for it, but from now on, no more falling for sob stories and if anyone asks me for money, i have to say no. dave was saying i should have offered to call the police since the lady said their wallet was stolen. i did not think of that. i guess there was big trouble in little china!

Geek peek!

these are my fellow DnD geek squaders. i'm no geek, just a nerd girl who always enjoys her voyeuristic journeys into geek-peeking on geek-speak! i'm really just there for that. killing monsters is just icing. :P

"featured" in EnjoyShanghai mag!

well, i wasn't really "featured" in the magazine but there was a glimpse of me attending a SIMHA meeting! as u can tell, i don't have too many claims to fame! my profile is also up on their website, although not exactly what i submitted. ;P


things i don't want to be.

there are many things i want to be, but there are some things i DON'T want to be (not exhaustive):
1. a russian or chinese gymnast training for the olympics (not to mention it would be physically impossible :)
2. any closer to a particular relative than i already am
3. allergic to greasy, salty foods of the asian variety
4. in a mexican, north korean, chinese or another country's prison with no due process
5. a butterface
6. have a degenerative disease of any sort
7. playing in shanghai traffic
8. have amnesia or Alzheimer's (my memory is quite important to me)
9. wonder what could have been on my death bed.

mistaken and taken.

lies i was told
so sweet so bold
no matter how old
my heart will always unfold.
when i believe one thing
my heart it will sing
how earth shattering
when reality is not the same as wishful thinking.
pollyanna i sometimes am
when i hit reset it starts again
this is how i have always been
a big heart with thin skin.
i trust in human kind
from tips of toes to top of spine
but life isn't always a straight line
how often this i find.

good morning shanghai!

xujiahui park; didn't bring a camera but it looks like this.
this was one of the rare mornings that i was actually up and not because of work. we slept rather early the night before. with my flu, i can sleep for 12 hours even after having just gotten up 5 hours earlier. well...sort of.

i decided to go find some chinese breakfast as PB and honey toast was getting old. i really was craving dim sum but did not know where to find it. so i waltzed down Tian Yao Qiao road, a busy road with food, banks, the post office, etc. i got "shao mai" which tastes less and less appetizing each time i have it but the soy bean drink i got was cold and sweet and just perfect, on a somewhat warm morning. after getting my breakfast, i decided to walk through Xujiahui Park, a nearby park i had not yet checked out but had been planning to forever. it's amazing how much activity goes on at 7 in the morning. there were tons of old folks doing wushu with music from their ghettoblasters, taichi, and stretches, chilling with their friends, grandparents w their baby's babies, people jogging (i was glad it was a joggable type of park b/c i did not want pay for gym membership but was looking for a place to run without fear of getting plowed over by cars), contemplative people, and people just staring at all the aforementioned people. i was sure to stare at all the people as i always do as i walked across various wooden and steel bridges, past old men practicing calligraphy with water as ink and the concrete ground as paper and wushu students and masters. i walked around a very stinky lake and peered in to see koi miraculously alive. there were people drilling into the lake. it looked rather strange. when i was on one of the bridges, i looked down and saw a plaza with very manicured bushes and lawns around it. it was one of the cleanest and well-kept parks i've seen in shanghai. after that, i decided to continue down Tian Ping Lu to see what i would find. this was the first time i had felt better since i got the flu last friday and i was up for exploring again. it was the usual. but i found a wet market, wrestled my way through and got Morning Glory or in chinese it's called Kong Xin Cai (hollow vegetables) for 2.8 rmb. then i continued along and was curious as to the big lines near what smelled like chinese breakfast. alas, i peeked my head and saw what looked like chinese version of omelettes: an egg crepe filled with what looked like garlic, scallion, a brush of maybe fish sauce and hot sauce, all toasted to a nice thin crisp. i wish i had not eaten breakfast yet b/c it looked good! next door, there was an egg thing with similar items on it. i could see why this was breakfast alley. the lines were out the door and the prices were so low! so after wandering down that street, i headed back and made my way back home where i stopped by the local bakery, got 2 garlic cheese bread pieces first. by the time i got home, it was only around 830am. my body is not used to being up so early despite how much sleep i got and i was already pooped.

what a great start for the morning. i love it when i see with my own eyes how there is life beyond my little world. i can get so egocentric sometimes. i guess the world does not revolve around miss red tape adventures after all.

sad to say the day kinda went downhill from there, at least for a while. related to the awful w/d we have and certain relatives. but the karaoke happy hour was quite a spirit lifter. so is this corona. :)


Behind the lens.

i used to not be a big photo taker, just out of sheer laziness. then i realized u get that single moment just once in ur life and u can capture it on film, then got camera crazy. dave said he's not a big photo-taker and photos are just for bragging rights. i disagree. i realized that when u take fotos on trips, after u come back home, u can reminisce as often and as long as u want, the time when u were there. it's like the vacation never ends!


seeing is believing.

outside the imperial palace. did not make it in time to get in. :(
searched long and hard for my asahi draft.
almost nighttime with rows of bars/small eateries. reminds me of what i see in anime. in asakasa.

Toranomon area, by asakasa kannon temple
nakamise shopping street
dress up!

meiji jingu torii
buying food tickets from a vending machine with photos-what a concept

my favorite disney ride

goths and lolita

not a photo distortion-the dude looked like the dude from Scream
cute girls
approaching nitetime in tko
tokyo skyline
tokyo city view
tokyo city view. the red/white thing is tokyo tower
the tokyo subway. looks so sci fi-ish.
infamous night lites

businessmen love pachinko!

businessman in role playing costume store!

she posed for me!
street fighter.
like a child in a candy store!
japanese touchscreen video game technology. no photos were allowed!

ah yes!
tons of vending machines
hello japan!
goodbye taiwan!
TAIPEI sunset

Taipei 101

Love River in KaoHsiung
the golden that kept me company

city view of KaoHsiung

tons of mopeds in taiwan
village where my mama grew up
street where i grew up

this couple rode up on their moped then placed their dog on the rock to pose for a pic

wedding foto
it's what u think it is. the aboriginals in this area specialize in wood!
show off

let sleeping monks lie..

so green and natural

streets of taiwan
stray dogs everywhere :(
they love their pagodas

buddha grant me a job in taiwan!

it was a big ass buddha
view of Chang Hua city
dave driving illegally in taiwan
cute little girl who fell in love with dave :)