i went to my first live jazz club in shanghai last night, called JZ Club. i really enjoy live music and have wanting to check out the live music scene in SH. the live music was good, the incessant chain smoking and high drink prices was not. in fact, that made us leave eventually. the first band (and i forget the name) played gypsy jazz and featured a lead guitarist who looked like a shaggy French version of Brad Pitt and was the friend of jingjing's friend. the second band was called Big Band (i think) and featured foreign and local musicians and was an entire orchestra. i realized i enjoyed more uppity happy jazz compared to the slow, lethargic, depressing kind. the lead singer of the Lions of Puxi, a reggae band who will be playing next weekend, was also a friend of jingjing's friend and came by our table. he looked like the cop on Dollhouse. or maybe i just think everyone looks like a celebrity i know. or maybe i just want to spot a celebrity so i can be starstruck and get their autographs and show off.
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