my purchase of the day--Stringdoll gang knockoff otherwise known as Voodoo dolls. this one was named Mummy Baby (i think). i love its pose!

i think these sandals are safe. not the china ones that make ur feet fall off.

at first Milan thought the napping guy was part of the props but him not being bronze and all gave him away..

getting in line for the trolley

i hope i never look THIS sad on my wedding day. arranged marriages must suck!

The exhibition “Salvador Dalí in Shanghai” commemorates the 20th anniversary of Dalí’s death and displays the artist in all his glory. Today was the day before the last day of the exhibit presentation. I was stoked as I had been wanting to see his work since I am a fan of surrealism. Milan was also a fan so we went together and not only enjoyed Dali's work, but the Chinese artist Lu Meng's water color paintings, oil paintings, and woodcuts, and an exhibition of really remarkable photographs of different places in China. We couldn't take pictures of the exhibits except of the photograph gallery so I took advantage of it. First, we had lunch at Ajisen Ramen, where I had a bowl of mediocre miso ramen and an oversweet Mango drink. Then Milan helped me buy a phone card so I could recharge my cell phone minutes (the mobile ph company sends me txt msgs constantly, warning me of how low my minutes are, so I will finally relent and recharge) and we avoided having to wait in a line at the mobile ph company office. After a fun day at the museum, where I developed utmost awe and respect for the genius that Dali is, we walked around People's Square where we grabbed some tea, sat at a park, chatted about SH culture, then she introduced me to a replica of SH streets in the 1930s, hidden near the subway, where I bargained for some items, then we went to Raffles City, a huge mall, then walked down to the Foreign Languages Bookstore where I finally found my English version of a Chinese atlas. After that, we ate some chives and pork dumplings at Wu Niang Dumplings then Milan went with me to look for Lithium batteries in the electronic mall and grocery store b/c I did not want to run out on our TnT vacation (Taiwan n Tokyo). I never did find Lithium batteries but will go to Guo Mei tomorrow, the Chinese counterpart to Best Buy. It was a long day full of walking, talking and fun. I got to buy things I wanted and was looking for, even found something I hope a friend will love or at least be amused by, bargained successfully, tried new SH chain food, and saw things that sent goosebumps down my mosquito-bitten arm. It was great. It was a warm muggy day that grew cooler as the day ended. I think I had a great pre-vacation day. I am now ready for the real thing. :)
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