We're trying to figure where we want our last Asia travel destination to be before we leave shanghai. But i am coming to realize there are just too many to choose from! Angkor, Cambodia really caught my eye. I always remember seeing pictures of the temples in mags and on TV but when I did a search online of Must-see places in Asia, i was pretty blown away by Angkor Wat. So Siem Reap is probably one of my first picks. Then there's Vietnam. Of all SE Asia destinations, airfare is the cheapest there. So cheap, that I know two people who purchased tickets and went there alone this week! (it's a chinese/easter holiday week) I thought Halong bay would be a great place to chill and soak in nature, so I pick Hanoi over the busy Ho Chi Minh City. Then there's Bali Island. My coworker went there last year and LOVED it. She said the people were the most gracious and hospitable that she's ever met! Plus, how can i resist an island in Indonesia? Kuala Lampur in Malaysia is a pretty cheap flight but my fear is it will be too busy and crowded and give me claustrophobic flashbacks of SH, except with nice and friendly folk.
We have to leave by May 1 due to dkf's visa. We may not be able to move to Sweden just yet so will need to stall somewhere, hopefully idyllic. Originally I thought Thailand would be a great, relaxing cheap place to hang out, but with all the civil unrest, that might be a bad idea.
Oh where to go, where to go? Dr. Seuss, please tell me!