1. today i activated the smoke alarm because i could not figure out how to turn on the stove without only turning on the gas (with no ensuing fire) and nearly gassed both of us to death (me and asahi). so i used work papers to fan the smoke alarm so it would stop. thank god it did, b/c i would not know who to call. and i was finally able to use the stove.
2. for the life of me, i cannot figure out how to use the washing machine consistently. all the buttons are in chinese. i have used it three times already. the first 2 times it worked but today i went to check on my clothes and found it sitting in water and the machine off. so i pushed the same 4 buttons in different combos, heard the washer begin to drain out the water then felt my feet get wet. i looked down and saw that the water drained OUTSIDE of the washer. i let it do that then began pushing the buttons again to figure out which button SPINS the clothes. finally, non-sopping wet clothes.
3. asahi freaks out with the sound of firecrackers. it is National Holiday today but the celebration started yesterday. celebration meaning tons of firecrackers, lanterns, major streets closed, less traffic i might add, guards not at their shacks (esp. when you need them to open up gates). last night as i was walking her, she began freaking out. first she tried to pull me back towards home but she had not done no. 1 or 2 yet. so i walked her the other direction. i walked her around the block but when we got back into the complex, she started running really fast then suddenly darted off towards home but since she's stronger than i am, i lost hold of her leash. good thing she ran straight home and there were no cars. poor asahi. today she crawled under the dining room table when the firecrackers went off again.
4. asahi also puked up yellow bile today. i was rather worried and tried to comfort her. she seems OK now.
5. a few days ago, i was out much later than i anticipated. asahi had not been walked for 1o hours! what a horrible dog sitter i am! thank goodness mandy's neighbor was able to back me up. i felt awful about the whole thing. asahi was SO happy to see me when i came home!
6. i forgot to get the house wi-fi password, a psych scoring program password, mandy's home address, and the location of xerox paper before mandy left. thank goodness i am able to connect with her via email. i so don't think of everything before someone leaves their house with me. with a little snooping, i was able to find some of the info!
7. momentary beer crisis: i could not find the beer opener and there were 2 Coronas in the fridge. after digging through many drawers, i found the wine bottle opener. whew!
8. i still don't know where the pepper and scissors are.
9. i did figure out how to turn on the TV and the pirated satellite (although i was given instructions before they left, i am techno-tarded). there were a couple times the screen wanted me to enter some password but i just pushed a bunch of buttons til it went away. it is so nice to be able to watch English channels! i didn't touch the other 2 remotes b/c i don't want to mess anything up.
1o. i enjoyed a nice massage yesterday with a friend down the street. i have enjoyed 2 nice meals down the street as well. basically, where i am staying is loaded with great eateries and massage parlours within a 3 minute walk.
11. the people who live in this complex are afraid of big dogs. i tried to reassure the woman who darted into our building after seeing asahi approach that she does not bite but she looked so fearful as she hid behind a wall. even when we walk along the street, people go out of their way to walk as far as away as possible from asahi. i never understood that cuz i just love canines so much. the guard however, likes her, even though she didn't seem all too interested in him.
12. it has been a long time since i've picked up dog poo. still warm and squishy. :P
13. the inside of the fridge smells like something might be rotten. but i don't want to toss anything they might want. so i'll let the ayi take care of it. :P
14. they might be back a day early due to the typhoons. hopefully this place will still be in one piece!
15. 6 puddles of puke!!